Calendula Infused Olive Oil
Recipe for about 1 half pint canning jar of medicated oil
What You Need:
- dried calendula flowers (enough to fill one half pint glass canning jar)
- cold pressed organic extra virgin olive oil
- 1-2 vitamin E capsules
- 2 half pint glass canning jars with metal canning lid (1 for making it and 1 for storing it)
- a crock-pot that has a warm setting
- thermometer
- water
- stainless steel strainer
- cheese cloth
- bowl for straining the oil
- Fill half pint jar about 80% with dried calendula flowers.
- Pour olive oil on flowers until they are completely covered with olive oil, and then some.
- Seal jar with metal canning lid.
- Place jar in crock-pot. Add enough water to surround the jar in about a 1 inch water bath.
- Turn crock-pot on warm, and note the time.
- Periodically check the temperature of the water bath, ensuring it stays around 100°F. If the temperature goes a little too high, add ice.
- After 48 hours, turn off crock-pot and remove jar from the water bath. The metal lid might be hot and you may need to use a pot holder.
- Set up a stainless steel strainer to rest over a bowl. Place cheesecloth inside the strainer, making a double filter. Pour the flower and oil mixture through this set-up. What gets in the bowl is your calendula infused olive oil.
- Transfer calendula infused olive oil to a clean half pint canning jar. Add 1-2 vitamin E capsules. If oil is not used right away, place a metal canning lid on it, and store it in the refrigerator.
- To make more than what 1 half pint glass canning jar can make, double, triple, or quadruple the recipe above. You can have more than one jar in the crock-pot at a time, as long as it all fits in there.
- One half pint glass canning jar will lose about 25 mL of olive oil in the process, since both the calendula flowers and the cheese cloth absorb the oil.
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