Be Nerdy, Get Herby
nerd up on one herb every month
This week marks the beginning of my herb of the month column. Within the first week of every month, I will be showcasing a medicinal herb. The write-ups on each herb may be more on the serious side, but I want you to have reliable information that you can use as a resource for your own herbal learning. There’s a lot of misleading stuff on the web (especially in the natural health department), and companies selling a certain product may bias the information they present. One should always be suspicious of online information that’s next to a cheesy internet ad for the herbal version of Viagra.
So push up your glasses and sharpen your favorite #2 pencil for October’s featured herb of the month: valerian.
Enjoy More Archerfriendliness
Anti-perspirant arm deodorant is a double duty detox villain. It directly impedes your ability to sweat, while exposing you to aluminum at the same time. Many are willing to pay this toxic price to ...
This was written while I was a student clinician attending Bastyr University. Though you will no longer find me at the clinic, this article should still give you a good idea of what to expect the...
Let's ID the cinnamon sticks you've been storing for your next batch of homemade chai. If you don't have any in your cupboards, you can probably find one on your Christmas tree. If the bark i...