Baked & Broiled Hot Wings
a natural, lick-your-fingers wing sauce slicked on baked and broiled chicken wings
I’m sure all those football crazed muscle-head men who obsess about the Super Bowl are totally into vegetarianism and hippie centric natural health. That’s why they all flock to archerfriendly.
Because this obviously isn’t the case, I thought I’d share my chicken hot wing recipe just for them. And for you and everyone else who watches the Super Bowl. And for those who just asked Mr. Google when the Super Bowl is because they had no idea (I’m a football dud).
Most hot wings contain the three archerfriendly evils: gluten, soy, and dairy. My wings use coconut oil in place of the traditionally used butter and coconut aminos in place of soy sauce. I’m allergic to soy, but if I wasn’t, I would totally use Bragg’s Liquid Aminos in my recipe. It tastes better than the coconut aminos (also tastes better than regular soy sauce), but I don’t really have a choice in the matter (take the hint if you aren’t allergic to soy). I wasn’t always allergic to all things soy, in case you were wondering exactly how I know this information.
Sometimes I hesitate in saying “this recipe is free of ___, ___, and ___”, because it’s a taste bud turn off. Food allergies scare me off too. I want to eat normal! Well, even if you’re not allergic to gluten, dairy, and soy, you should rotate your diet and try these wings. Making archerfriendly recipes is a great way to add variety and hypoallergenic foods to switch up your diet. You get into trouble when you eat the same foods every day. Sugar is another archerfriendly villain and most of my recipes are extremely low in it.
These wings will score big for any normal eater with their touchdown flavors of salty, sweet, and spicy brewed in that nose burning vinegar fumigation we all love.
What are your archerfriendly Super Bowl snacks?
Baked and Broiled Hot Wings
Makes ~ 15 wingsIngredients
- 3.5 – 4 pounds chicken wings
- 1/2 cup + 1 Tablespoon Frank’s Red Hot Sauce (forgive me, it’s not organic)
- 2 Tablespoons honey
- 1 Tablespoon unrefined virgin coconut oil
- 1 Tablespoon white vinegar
- 1 small garlic clove
- 1.5 teaspoons coconut aminos (or Bragg’s liquid aminos)
- 2 teaspoons lemon juice
- fresh ground black pepper
- a good handful of fresh basil leaves
Directions for the Sauce
- Place hot sauce, honey, coconut oil, vinegar, garlic, coconut aminos, lemon juice, and black pepper in a blender. Blend well.
- Pour sauce mixture into a sauce pan with fresh basil leaves. Cook on low while wings are baking in the oven.
- Strain basil leaves out of wing sauce prior to pouring over chicken wings (optional).
Directions for the Wings
- Preheat oven to 400°F.
- Coat chicken wings with unrefined virgin coconut oil, top and bottom. Sprinkle wings with salt.
- Bake in a glass Pyrex dish for 20 minutes. Remember to start heating the sauce when wings are put in the oven.
- Broil on low for 10 minutes or until golden brown.
- Transfer wings to a serving bowl. Pour wing sauce over wings and toss.
Enjoy More Archerfriendliness
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