Make Your Own Marshmallow Root Cold Infusion
let's play with the herb of the month
My belly has not been my friend recently, despite all of the archerfriendly food I have fed it. I’ve been sipping marshmallow root cold infusions frequently, in hopes that the slimy liquid will coax my belly into friendship again. It’s totally working.
You know what else works? Making cold infusions in your ceramic tea infuser mug from Uwajimaya.
To make a cold infusion of marshmallow root, soak one heaping tablespoon of the shredded, dried root (not powdered) in one cup of cold water. Place it in the fridge overnight. In the morning, strain out the herb. That’s it! Don’t think you messed it up when you taste the slimy, viscous liquid that results. It’s supposed to be that way.
You can find shredded, dried marshmallow root at your local herb shop. Make sure it’s organic. You can also purchase it in bulk from Mountain Rose Herbs. Dried herbs have a one year shelf life, so that’s about how long your stash will last depending on how fresh it was when you bought it.
All demulcent herbs are brewed via the cold infusion method. Although I am talking about marshmallow root cold infusions here, you could substitute for a different demulcent herb.
Not only is a ceramic tea infuser easy to use, but it also makes the process a little more appealing to the eyes. My pink ceramic infuser basket is much prettier than my clumsy stainless steel strainer. Because it’s easy and pretty, the process is fun, and you get to make your own medicine!
Enjoy More Archerfriendliness
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August 20th, 2012 at 9:51 am
Hooray!! I look forward to trying this. Perhaps today, because my tummy has been acting up!
Dr. Archer
August 20th, 2012 at 3:01 pm
Hope it works out for you, Raquel!
August 21st, 2012 at 3:31 am
I love it!! Where can an Eastcoaster got a ceramic tea infuser? Herbal shop? I just never checked. Photos are awesome!!