Video: Tell Your Story, Heal Your Body
My first archerfriendly video
Last weekend, our former nanny wanted to have a movie night with our girls, so the Wendy’s Eating Husband and I took the chance to crank out some archerfriendly videos. We absolutely loved doing it, especially that we got to do it together. I’m considering sharing some raw video footage of us brainstorming over what to do and what not to do. I think you’d like it.
I had so much fun shooting the videos. Fresh energy for my blog has burst inside of me for this new archerfriendly venture. I come alive when I work on archerfriendly, and there’s something about getting to see someone in “real life” rather than reading their words.
What I want to do to inspire you and help you is getting closer and closer on target. At the bottom of everything I write on here, I want you to heal. In order to heal, you have to know what wellness looks like for you — and then you have to figure out how to get there. I want everything on this site to poke you in a way that makes you want wellness for yourself in every dimension — spiritually, emotionally, and physically. And then, once you know you want it so badly, I also want to be that person to show you the way. I want to be your guide. I want to help you heal so that you can be the most you and do all that you were made to do in this life.
The more I write on here, the more I find my voice as a writer and speaker.
I’ve really been pressing into this idea of telling your story to heal your body. This is the entire purpose of my LIFE posts. In the video below, I shared some non-scripted, non-prepped, on-the-spot words about this topic. I have much more to say about #tellyourstoryhealyourbody, so this video is only the beginning.
Also, please SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel, so you’ll be one of the first to see new videos!
Enjoy More Archerfriendliness
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