
Fishing For Feedback

As you may have noticed, I have only written about food.  Please forgive me for the lack of content in the other areas on my website; it’s a work in progress.

On the navigation bar at the top, you will find the “LEARN” tab.  This is where you will find information about how your body works, naturopathic medicine, and anything medically related.  Basically, this tab is a space for me to share with you anything and everything I’m learning in naturopathic medical school.

I will share applicable lifestyle tips on natural health under the “LIVE” tab.  This, of course, is not medical advice.  Please consult your physician before implementing any lifestyle or diet suggestions you may find there.

Under the “TRY” tab, you will find information on specific items I recommend.  The resources there will be sponsor free, as I will not recommend resources that give me a commision to do so, even if it’s a few pennies.  I want you to trust my recommendations, and by accepting sponsorship, it threatens that relationship.  You can trust that no third party is involved in any of my recommendations.

I would love your feedback on specific things you’d like to learn about.  What kinds of recipes would you like to see here?  What part of your body would you like to learn about?  How would you like to live more naturally?  What about whole health would you like to know?  The questions are endless.

I would be blessed if you commented on this post, sharing with me what you’d like to see here.

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7 Responses

  1. Greg Bodwell

    Hey Archer! Nice website. I don’t have a suggestion unfortunately, but do you take all the photos of the food? They’re really good!


  2. Heather Bodwell

    archer….. this is wonderful. i love the whole idea. i passed it on to a friend who is allergic to gluten. i am soooo proud of you:>)


  3. Dr. Archer

    Greg: Yes, all of the photos I took myself. Thanks for the compliment!


  4. Rebecca Welch

    Hi there Archerina Rosalea Mary Male Mallott? I think that is how we used to say it hahaha! I miss you and I love this website. Like my mom said, my really good friend Kelly is allergic to gluten too! She will love this! You are wonderful :) Hope you are well!


  5. Rebecca Welch

    Maleeeee not Male as in a man hahaha… I don’t know how you would spell that


  6. Kevin

    Archer- love the website! The pictures are amazing!!! I am always looking at ways to branch out in what I make, and I really like the fact that the recipes not only look good, but they’re good for you too. Might I suggest posting some alternative snack options; some things that whip up quickly and are easy to implement into ones diet. Keep up the good work!


  7. Jesiica

    In case you didn’t realize, the word “embarassed” on your site is spelled incorrectly. I had similar issues on my website which hurt my credibility until someone pointed it out and I discovered some of the services like SpellHelper.com or SpellingCheck.com which help with these type of issues.


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